Off-Season Tours to Yellowstone


As the last golden leaves fall and winter whispers its approach, Yellowstone National Park undergoes a remarkable transformation. The bustling summer season has given way to a tranquil serenity that blankets the landscape. At Yellowstone Tour Guides, we believe that this shift into the off-season is a magical time to explore the park. Join us on a journey to discover the hidden beauty and incredible wildlife of Yellowstone in November.

A Season of Transition

Starting November 1st, Yellowstone’s roads undergo a significant change. They close to vehicular traffic, allowing the pristine snow to accumulate, heralding the arrival of the snowmobile and snowcoach season. This transformation marks the beginning of a unique and quieter period in the park, offering an entirely different experience for those who venture into its heart.

Northern Range Highway: A Year-Round Gem

While many of the park’s roads close for the winter, the Northern Range Highway between the North Entrance and Cooke City remains open year-round. This picturesque stretch of road offers incredible opportunities for wildlife viewing and access to some of the park’s most stunning features. It’s a journey that’s well worth taking, and we’re here to guide you through it.

Day Trips from Bozeman or Big Sky

For those looking to explore Yellowstone in the off-season, we are proud to offer day trips from the vibrant communities of Bozeman and Big Sky. These trips provide a perfect opportunity to witness the park’s stunning winter landscapes and unique wildlife without the crowds that typically accompany the summer months.

The Northern Range: A Wildlife Paradise

Our day trips in the Northern Range of Yellowstone are a special treat for wildlife enthusiasts. This area is known for its incredible diversity of wildlife, and during the off-season, it truly shines. Bison, elk, wolves, and other charismatic species roam freely, giving you a front-row seat to their natural behaviors. Our knowledgeable guides will help you spot and understand the park’s wildlife, enhancing your experience.

The Enchanting Mammoth Hot Springs

One of the highlights of our off-season tours is a visit to the enchanting Mammoth Hot Springs. These terraces, adorned with colorful thermophiles and dramatic mineral formations, take on a whole new level of beauty in the crisp November air. The absence of summer crowds allows for a more intimate exploration of this geological wonder.

Embrace the Peace of November

November is the least visited month in Yellowstone, and that’s precisely what makes it so special. The park is peaceful, and you can fully immerse yourself in the sights and sounds of nature without the hustle and bustle of the summer crowds. It’s a time to connect with the wilderness on a deeply personal level, as you share the landscape with a select few who appreciate the park’s serene beauty.

Special Off-Season Rates

At Yellowstone Tour Guides, we believe that experiencing Yellowstone in the off-season should be accessible to all. That’s why we offer special off-season rates for our multi-day trips until December 15th. For those seeking a two-day adventure, our package includes double occupancy lodging for three nights and two days of touring, all for just $2500. For a more extended journey, our three-day package offers four nights of lodging and three days of touring for double occupancy at $3500.

Exploring from Various Gateways

Our off-season trips are available from multiple gateways, including West Yellowstone, Big Sky, and Bozeman. Whether you’re seeking the convenience of West Yellowstone or the charm of Bozeman and Big Sky, we have options to suit your preferences. Each gateway provides its unique perspective on the park, and our expert guides are here to ensure you make the most of your visit.

Book Your Off-Season Adventure

As we prepare to enter the off-season in Yellowstone, we invite you to join us for a journey into the heart of this magnificent national park. Embrace the tranquility, discover the wildlife, and witness the beauty of November in Yellowstone. Contact us today to book your off-season adventure and experience the park in a whole new light. Let us guide you through the wonders of Yellowstone’s winter wonderland, where serenity and nature converge in a symphony of snow and wilderness.